What is SunTide

Having been created in 2023, I came up with this personal brand so that people could be reminded of how beautiful the world we live in is. I am evolving it into a idea that encourages people to explore their passions and not to settle for anything less. 

What is the point in SunTide

Here is a list of how SunTide will help shine a more positive light on life


The Problem

Why SunTide Will Help

Mental Health

People aren't happy. Everyone focuses on the next car, the next job, the next pay rise, what other people think of you, why your life isn't as "successful" as other people you know. I am guilty of this too; people are always so busy focusing on "once I do this, I will be happy. Once I earn X amount i'll be happy." There is nothing wrong with setting targets but it can be negative for your mental health.

I want to encourage people to try and think about life differently. We are all so focused on achieving what we think will make us happy that we forget to be happy now in the present! You are achieving something now that you thought would make you happy 2 years ago. This is something I am very guilty of and so SunTide is to remind you and myself to be happy now, look at what you have achieved. I will have plenty of newsletters on this subject as I really believe in it.


The world is so vast and amazing. Nature is so beautiful and life in general is so stunning to witness. Sometimes I feel that people are scared to step outside their comfort zone to go see the world as they want the "safe" route of getting a job, earning a safe salary, staying in their comfort zone. Only issue is they miss out on all the wonders of the world, the sunsets, the beaches, the wildlife and the people! I believe everyone should travel and here is why...

I want SunTide to instil travelling into especially young people. Speaking from experience, travelling is the BEST thing I have ever done. You are miles away from everything you know, meeting new people for the first time and seeing things a lot of other people will never see, if they don't travel that is. Yes it can be scary and yes its completely fine if it just isn't your cup of tea, but to the people who are stuck on whether they should go or not, I want SunTide to bring them travel content that will steady their concerned head into a "Wow, that looks amazing", because it IS!

Give Back

As we all know, humans can be pretty destructive. From accelerating climate change to littering nature with microplastics, we aren't exactly helping the environment. Whilst a lot of efforts are underway trying to help the issue, it is still a huge problem. 

I want SunTide to assist in giving back to the world by raising money for the environment, encouraging good habits and help green projects get the online traction they need. Through when SunTide is actually earning money, I want to use that to donate to charities, set up environmental initiatives and just give back to the planet we all live on.


Where every sunset ignites a new beginning