Coping With Tough Times
Life has its challenges—tough times, difficult decisions, the constant fear of the unknown. Whether it's in your personal, work, or social life, navigating through such moments can be demoralizing. Personally, I often find myself feeling inadequate compared to my friends, subject to their jests and jests that, while not malicious, become tiresome in their repetition. I wonder why I struggle to respond, feeling weakened by the role of the "group victim." Yet, these experiences, though mild, illustrate how seemingly minor challenges can dampen an otherwise good day.
It's frustrating when one small incident can overshadow an otherwise positive experience. However, I recognize that there are far worse situations than being the subject of friendly banter. I'm determined to explore how we can mitigate the negative impact of such challenges, partly for my own benefit.
A guy called Gary Vee preaches this over his socials and it’s something that I’m yet to master. His thoughts are to distance yourself from both negative and positive opinions of you. For me I love to be complimented (as I’m sure we all do) but the cost of that is negative comments will also affect me equally, if not worse. I don’t know if I want to distance myself from the emotions I feel when I get feedback, even if its at the cost of these negative emotions. Whilst I don’t think I’m capable of what Gary is suggesting, there are things we can all still do.
1. First, try to change your perspective on the situation. If it’s someone’s comments that have hurt you, think to why they are saying that? Maybe there is something going on in their life that is causing them to act out and be nasty to people, maybe they are insecure, maybe they see you as someone that’s better than them and so they try to embarrass you to bring you down. Feel sorry for them over anger towards them.
2. Something bad has happened in life, you’ve lost a loved one, ended a relationship, moved to a different area away from everything you know. The negative emotions you feel are completely understandable and normal. Just remember that everything happens for a reason, life can’t all be positive, if it was then you would never appreciate the good times when they come. You will be ok though, you will get through it and the intense emotions you are feeling right now will subside. You’ll start to see the flicker of light at the end of the tunnel, and you’ll start to feel the positive emotions come back.
3. Self-improvement is the best method for helping yourself feel more positive. Whether it’s the gym, going outside more, learning something new, reconnecting with distant friends; improving your own situation is going to make you feel much better. By building on yourself, you’ll gain more confidence, more life experience and just a general build-up of positive experiences.
4. Finally, I like to remember that in the great span of the universe, any problems I have are actually so insignificant. It might feel like the whole world has come crashing down for yourself but just remember this. Know that the odds of being born are 1 in 400 trillion. You are more likely to be struck but lightning 800,000 times than to be living right now. You already won the ultimate lottery! No matter the struggles you have faced/will face, you are already so so lucky to be alive.
So, to those grappling with hardship, I offer this challenge:
Try one of the above, see if it works. If not, don’t worry about it. Try something else. The next time you are in a negative situation, just remember that it’s part of life, the emotions will subside and it’s ok to be upset. Work on yourself, look after yourself and sometimes even forcing a smile can help as scientifically it releases positive emotions when you smile, even if you don’t want to.
Good luck and see you next time!