Best experience of my life:
You want to know what's one of the purest memories I have? A time where I felt nothing but happiness, wonder and where I felt completely relaxed and at peace.
It involves me, on a beach in Australia. I’d just finished a night out with some people I met. Having had an amazing, fun night already, I walk back to the hostel which is right by the beach and everyone goes to bed. Instead of going off to sleep as well, I decide to walk to the beach. I’m walking over, it’s a perfect warm temperature, pitch black, with me using my phone as a torch. The stars are lighting up the sky with a sweet soft breeze against my face. I’m in nothing but my T-shirt, shorts and sliders. Slowly I start to feel the ground become sandy as I walk onto the beach.
I’m feeling great already, I’m in my dream country, living my dream life with not a worry in sight. I am truly happy. As I’ve been walking the sound of the crashing waves has got louder and louder. I get to the sea and sit down in one of the sand dunes near by. I just sit there, watching the waves being lit up by the stary night. This is paradise.
I lie down on my back and gaze up at the stars. I stretch my legs out, put my arms behind my head and just stare. It’s amazing, the sky is filled to the brim with stars. Being from an area back home where there is a bit of light pollution, I had never seen a clearer sky. It’s just me, the sound of waves and a beautiful sky.
I then decide, even though I love the sound of the waves, to put some music on. I love music and I find that listening to certain songs triggers great memories. Whenever I go on holiday, the songs I would listen to on that holiday would then trigger the memory after I got back. So, the song I first put on was Snowfall by Oneheart, Reidenshi. For me, it fit the mood perfectly. I was fixated on the sky, beautiful music in one ear, amazing waves in the other, soft sand on my back with a warm breeze sweeping over me. I genuinely don’t think I have felt as good as that in a long time since. It’s a feeling I can’t compare to anything else. It’s something I really, really miss. When I feel myself missing travelling, it’s times like that I think of. How much I would wish to be back on that beach, with no worries, no stress, just pure happiness and good vibes.
It’s a feeling I would want every single one of you to experience one day. Being on a beach, by yourself or with friends. Just staring, staring at the beautiful sky above you with the sound of the stunning ocean in front of you. It’s a life that I would pay millions to live, and hopefully, one day I’ll make a version of that memory a reality back over here in my home country.
I will be back to Australia, I will experience that again. It’s what motivated me to continue to try to make a success out of this brand. To encourage others and myself to continue perusing our dreams.
I feel sorry for everyone who won't get to experience something like that in their lives, whether the reason they didn't experience something similar because of their own fault or just life being unfair. I am so grateful to have lived what I have experienced so far. I hope that it carries on, but even if the worst happened and I didn't live to see another day, I am still so lucky to have this memory.
I want you to get a memory like this. Whether you have one or ready, I want you all to have a happy, amazing memory. Whether it's through a passion you love, a person you adore or just an achievement in life.
Amazing memories are what reminds us that all the pain that we get in life, also comes with a lot of happiness.
Hope you enjoyed the read even if it's shorter than normal!