The Power Of Being Happy

The Power Of Being Happy

The Power In Happiness:

People get so focused on the perfect career, huge amounts of wealth, freedom, holidays, fame. We get fixed on these smaller goals, so much that we sometimes forget what the biggest goal of them all is. To be happy. You may think an awesome car will make you happy, a holiday will make you feel great, the next promotion will bring you satisfaction. They might do, but this doesn’t last. After the initial adrenaline, the feeling goes, the holiday ends and you are back to feeling how you were before. Prioritising what makes you happy consistently is the best way to ensure you stay positive even when times get tough. 

The Idea:

Think of if you had your dream job. Say you were desperate to have a career out on the ocean. So, you start a jet ski company, and it becomes a great success. At the cost of this happiness comes a lot of stress financially, personally and the dream will take up a lot of your time. The beauty is, if you are happy and love what you do, this won’t be a problem. It would be if you weren’t satisfied in life, but if you are, then you just continue to enjoy the ride even in the toughest times. This is happiness and in my opinion, this is success.

Power In Happiness:

Happiness has the power to heal wounds that only time would usually have the strength to heal. Having a horrible day and coming back to your smiling kids, a very happy puppy or a silent cosy house can make all those stresses disappear into the unknown. Through happiness, we can encourage ourselves to be grateful, grateful that we are in the position to feel such positive emotions. Grateful that we have been given the chance for these amazing opportunities. Grateful, to be alive.

When I was travelling in Australia, I was truly happy. I missed home, became ill, had a couple accidents that resulted in injury, but even in those harder times, I was still so happy and grateful to have had the opportunity to see such a beautiful country. Being happy puts things into a perspective that a lot of people don’t see. With people being so fixed on certain objectives, they fail to see the beauty surrounding them. Being happy is almost like a huge window filled with bright light, blue skies and gorgeous sunshine compared to a much smaller window that you are forced to look through when you are stressed and focused on something that doesn’t make you happy. I know what window I would rather look out of.

Being Happy In The Present:

Being truly happy where you are rather than chasing the next goal can really brighten all the parts in your life. Your relationships, career, social life, mental health, physical health. Just imagine if you were truly happy, it would feel absolutely unreal! Now, when I say instead of focusing on the next thing I don’t mean to not strive for more. It’s great to grow and amazing to want to reach new heights but I’m just saying, don’t forget what you have achieved already, don’t forget to be happy where you are now!

I am guilty of this. Always wanting the thing I don’t have. When I was in my old job, I was desperate to go travelling and to be in my current apprenticeship. When I was travelling, I had moments of wanting to be home, wanting to start my apprenticeship etc but now I am in my apprenticeship, I want to be back travelling and want to be back on more money in my original job. I sometimes forget all I have achieved and why I wanted this change. I am happy where I am, deep down I know I’m doing the right thing, I can just be very impatient as I am a naturally impulsive person. Sometimes I just need to take a step back and list out what I have achieved, look back at past videos or notes I've made outlining where/what I wanted to be and see if I have achieved them yet. Understanding your past can really help you be happy with what you have now, especially if you can feel yourself longing to be somewhere in the future.


Next time you feel sad, lost or just generally down, remember what I have spoken about. Appreciate how far you have come, understand you can't be happy all the time and just focus on what brings you the most joy for that will usually be the best course of action.

Hope you enjoyed the read!

Let me know on Instagram if you have any suggestions of what I should cover next!
