Balance makes life so wonderful. Have you ever stopped to think how balanced the whole universe must be for us to be living, right now? If gravity was slightly more powerful the universe would collapse into a ball, if it was slightly less powerful the universe would fly apart and there would be no planets and stars (yes I did just copy that from young Sheldon). Point being, without balance, nothing would exist.
I believe this applies to our own personal lives too. If you eat too much sugar, you gain weight. If you eat not enough then you can even lose consciousness and go into a coma.
How can you relate this to happiness?
Well, apart from you obviously not being very happy if you ended up in a coma, balance is woven into the success of our whole life. From mental to physical well being, it's important to get it right so that we can thrive. Try to think back to a negative time in your life, what emotions did you feel? How long did they last? What caused this negative time? For me, a negative time was when I was bullied a bit at school. I remember coming home and feeling like I was weak, un-popular and just wanted to fit in, as every kid does when they are young. Luckily for me I was only bullied once or twice but I used these negative experiences to my advantage. Whenever I had a negative experience I remember that good days are coming and when they do they will be that ever bit more sweet because of the bad days. If you had a good time all the time you would never appreciate it.
Here's another scenario, it's coming into winter, the days have darkened, the weather turned for the worse. You have 4 months of constant rain, wind, short days, long nights. Day after day it rains and rains and rains. The bitter cold freezes you every time you step out of the house along with a wet slap in the face from the icy wind & rain. Time passes, 4 months go by and as if it were a miracle you wake up. As you gain consciousness you start to hear the gentle chirp of a bird outside. You stand up and walk over to open the curtains which reveal a huge blue sky. You start to feel a soft warm breeze on your face with the sun beaming down warming you up. How happy would you feel knowing that winter was over? You would appreciate that sunny day the most out of any day that year because you were so used to the rain and cold and wind.
Again, relating back to how you can use this personally, if you get too used to having something, when it changes it's going to be a big shock, good or bad.
Balancing your mental health is so important. Had a bad day? For me exercise is a good counter to a bad day as it takes the stress out of me and makes me feel relaxed again. Feeling trapped and bored? Do something spontaneous, drive somewhere new, learn a new skill, meet up with a friend. Feeling burnout and knackered? Have a sleep and relax, recharge your energy. You have to remember that opposites attract and so if you are struggling in a certain area, usually doing the opposite will help you feel better.
My challenge for you is to try and think of what makes you feel sad, tired, stressed. What drains your energy?
Once you identify them, come up with ideas of how you can counter it, remember to think of something that will impact you positively.
Balance is life's gift to us. We are all so lucky to be alive so lets make the most of it by continuing to improve ourselves.
Let me know how you get on!